Nate Love started as an intern in 2013, and we’ve been stuck with him ever since. He has a Clark Kent demeanor and a Superman intensity about getting the job done. In 2020, he started our daily COVID-19 update emails, which became a valuable source of information for our clients in a very uncertain time. In addition to lobbying, he helps clients form new associations and non-profit organizations and is our resident campaign finance expert.
- Novi, Michigan, hometown of CNN Medical Correspondent, Sanjay Gupta.
Fun Facts
- He is a dual citizen of the United States and the United Kingdom.
- He shares a birthday with his dad and uncle.
Media & Honors
- Quoted on COVID restrictions affecting Michigan wineries, Michigan Wine Producer. Read more
- Wine and Spirits Regulation
- Environmental Issues
- Financial Services
- Cannabis
- Nonprofits
- Campaign finance
- Kelley Cawthorne
Education & Community
- Albion College
- Michigan State University College of Law
- Tau Kappa Epsilon Omega Chapter Alumni Association, President